EcoNiche is an interdisciplinary consultancy. As trusted experts in conservation and development, our mission is to empower organisations by simplifying program design and delivery of nature-based solutions, allowing them to realise meaningful and long-lasting conservation impacts. Together, we tackle the climate and biodiversity crises head-on, making a difference where it matters most.

Nature-based solutions (NbS) are actions to protect, restore & sustainably manage natural & modified ecosystems that address societal challenges, by providing benefits & key services for people & nature. NbS are underpinned by healthy ecosystems, & address challenges including climate change, disaster risk reduction, biodiversity loss, water & food insecurity, & sustainable economic development, all critical components to sustainable development. EcoNiche supports partners throughout their conservation project cycles, to deliver sustainable nature-based solutions.
Planning & Assessment
We support our partners throughout their project design & management cycles, using a systems thinking approach. This involves project planning, development of theories of change, stakeholder mapping, needs-based assessments, feasibility studies, risk & resilience assessments, proposal writing, design of impact monitoring & evaluation frameworks & plans & report writing.
Impact Delivery
We support our partners with measuring, evaluating and communicating the ecological and social impacts of their actions, in alignment with their organisations' goals & objectives, and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We design customised monitoring, evaluation & verification frameworks to collect reliable quantitative & qualitative data, drawing patterns through statistics, stories & experiences.
Conservation Alliances
We support our partners by facilitating & coordinating collaborations between communities, grassroots organisations, NGOs, technical and scientific experts, funders, & decision-makers, with shared visions to deliver positive ecological & social impacts that address societal challenges particularly the biodiversity & climate crises.
Projects have been designed and executed since the earliest days of organised human activity. Project Cycle Management (PCM) is a critical cog in any project in the conservation sector. In order to successfully deliver results, managers need to better understand the project management process, and equip themselves to design and coordinate large, complex projects. EcoNiche facilitates PCM workshops, tailored to the needs of conservation practitioners and organisations.